Politics and Doctrine of Nichiren Buddhism#011【ミステリーな日蓮 〈番外編〉「日蓮と政治」英訳版】

Politics and Doctrine of Nichiren Buddhism#011


Hiroto Ema




The ideas of Nichiren were represented in “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the peace of the Land” which criticized the regent politics. As was shown in the title, which means “to do the correct teaching and keep peace of the country”, the interests of Nichiren were aimed at politics. He always held Jogan Politics, a textbook for politics written in the era of Tang, along with sutras, and was absorbed in considering the governance.


Nichiren wrote “As for good and evil, the nation should follow the king. Such is the way of the world. And such, too, is the way of Buddhism. And the Buddha has already made the doctrine subject to the law of king. If so, unless they follow the law of king, even wise men who are also saints and philosophers cannot spread the doctrine of Buddhism” (71). For him, the devotion from the shogunate was the first priority, so he worked on the shogunate directly and the shogunate responded to it.


Then, what is the political factor that had a decisive effect on the relationship between Nichiren and the shogunate? In the early period, it might be the fact that his sect was closely connected with Nagoe clan, which had led anti-head family movement. And in later period, it might be the close relationship between Nichiren and Yasumori Adachi, the head of the vassals. About this point, I have discussed in the first chapter. Furthermore, after accomplishing a big change through the transportation to Sado Island, Nichiren aimed to reorganize the circles of Buddhism positioning himself as the center, and drew Mandala Gohonzons placing himself as the idol, so to say, the only “executor of the Lotus Sutra”. In the later days, Nichiren discarded the position as a monk of Tendai school, started to compete with Esoteric Buddhism, and demanded the shogunate to devote to him. In the second chapter, I examined the relationship between the politics and the process in which his doctrine developed.


In this treatise, it has been made clear how Nichiren and his followers lived in their days relating directly to the shogunate, and with it, a new image of Nichiren seems to be presented.



 (71) “Shijō Kingo dono gohenji: The Pure and Far-Reaching Voice.” ed. Rissyo University, op. cit., pp. 661.


February 1st 2021


Thank you for reading “The Nichiren Buddhism” every month.

Following the part one, the English version and “Politics and Doctrine of Nichiren Buddhism” have been posted, and the series completed on 1st February. The publication of Part two will take some time, because it is currently in the process of peer review. After it is presented,we will start again the publication. I hope you will look forward to this.


Please let us know your feedback via e-mail.

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ミステリーな日蓮 〈番外編〉「日蓮と政治」#011




















江間浩人 編著『鉛筆でなぞる『法華経』—-「方便品」と「如来寿量品」

本体価格:1500円+税 新書判・コデックス装 344頁









はじめに  ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 今、なぜ『法華経』か
第一部      ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 「方便品」   原典・訓読・現代語訳/万人の成仏を説いた「方便品」 
第二部   ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 「如来寿量品」 原典・訓読・現代語訳/永遠の仏を説いた「如来寿量品」
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